miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Designer to be.

Hi Hi!
In this post I’m going to talk about what I’m studying and why. Well, I’m study Industrial design, but that wasn’t my first option. I always wanted to study Odontology, like I said in an older post. But I couldn’t :(. When I was younger I wanted to study many things, one of them was Gastronomy, I still want to. Perhaps no study, like in a professional way, but I wanted to learn a big deal of it.
In relation of my career, I decided to study Design because I always wanted to have an independent job, and this career can give me that, well that’s my idea. Also I’m not a one way person, I mean that I don’t have one skill in one area, and design give me the opportunity of develop many abilities, and I never see the same thing, but in some cases I do. And that’s the main reason, I want to do different thing, and not get stuck in one, because I get easily bored. But that is so difficult. So! I want my own business, and work with different people and have a dynamic life. I don’t want to be behind a desk.

miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013

Thinking about London

Hello everyone!
I've always wanted to visit England, and specially London. It seems to be such an interesting place, full of culture and music is everywhere. Also I always wanted to visit the country side of England, the green and blue, the nature. And the castles full of history and architecture.

But a more touristic place that I would like to visit and get on is the London eyed, I found it so much fun and despite that I’m scare of high I would do it gladly.

It cost £21.51 plus the tube, that by the way is very strange system, because you have to travel and pay for the trip depending of the area or location. They have I think, 7 locations. I’m used to pay a unique tariff for any trip in the subway of Santiago, and is very cheap because I’m a student.Otherwise it will be difficult to travel around Santiago.

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013


Hi! When I think about the beach I’ll always remember my vacations in the 90’s, when my family and I went to vacation all together, now my brother lives in Germany and my sister doesn’t live with us, so we don’t get a lot of opportunities to be all together vacationing. It's sad how things change, but is part of the path.
We went to La Laguna de Zapallar and Maitencillo. In the picture are my two sisters and my brother, I’m on the left side, I think I was around 5-6 years old, I have greats memories of these vacations we always played on the sand and my brother always chase us, grab our feet and make us fall on the sand with our faces, it was so funny. Well now I look at it that way.
I haven’t gone to Zapallar in many years; I would love to come back with all my family. Relax and play with them again.