jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

Writing writing writing.

Hi hi!
Well, when it comes about writing English I’m not very good at it. When I was at school I didn’t pay attention to the lessons of grammar and those things because I get so bored in the classes, so I maybe write with not a lot of sense, but I think that I’ve been getting better on it.
Sometimes I didn’t enjoy it too much. I mean writing in the blog because some topics are hard to have an opinion of and it’s harder had it in English. I have problems with the times in English I always thought that I kind of write like a cave man. I hope not. But when it comes to speaking English I get easier. Maybe is because I watch a lot of TV shows in English, when I started to learn it. I thank that to my older sister. I think that it really improve your pronunciation if you started to learn it by listening. It’s like the natural way to learn a language.
The post that I like the most was the piece of art, I really enjoy Da Vinci’s work. And I enjoy seeing other people’s opinion about arts, and all types of art. And I also enjoy writing about Freddy Mercury I love him. I don’t have a post that I didn’t like or hate some of they were harder than other. But I remember that I didn’t write about the Concert or Exhibition assignment, because I couldn’t think of one.
I don’t know which blog I enjoy reading, and which is the most attractive. I love the background of Wain Yan blogs, and the way that she writes is very clear and entertaining.
And I think that is a very good tool to learn English, I have learn new words and ways to refer to thing.
And finally I leave you a song that it very catchy and I had it on my head all morning :) 

miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

TV shows

When I was a kid I watch a lot of TV. I still do but in those times I mostly watch cartoon and The Animal Planet. Now a watch TV series, in Warner channel and HBO, grown up stuff :)

The tv show that I most remember is Sailor Moon, I loved that show. It was about a student girl called Serena, who lives in a city where a super heroine is, and then she become a super heroine and fights a series of strange monsters. I don’t really remember all the argument because a watch it very young.  But there were 5 “sailors” that fight the evil. And when I was little, I think in second grade, I played with my school friends (some of they are still my friends) and we choose the characters. We act the episodes that we watch, I was Sailor Venus.
Over the seasons, the story started to get really weird, and I lost the track. Maybe because I was to young I didn’t understand the argument. Suddenly there were too many characters and to many Sailor, and Serena has little friend who turns out to be her daughter who came from the future and all kinds of tangle things. But over all I had good memories about this TV show, I remember the felling when I watched it and also the enthusiasm around it.
Writing about it makes me wanted to watch all the episodes and find out how it ends, maybe in vacations.

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

Sir Ken Robinson

When I was a freshman student in 2011 I didn’t have a normal first year, as all we know. So when we came back to the university after the strike ends and everything my Taller teacher were told that he have to give us a project that had relation with all the event past in the year, and he was very interested on the type of education that we get. So he show us a video of Ken Robinson call "Changing Education Paradigms   "

I’m not sure the year of the video but Ken Robinson speaks of the same topic, and it is illustrated.
I don’t think schools kills creativity, perhaps it reduces but there are many school that encourage it.  And I neither think that all schools stimulate creativity. It a complicated thing, because, schools have an end and that end doesn’t have relation with creative thing and is how the world works today. It important that people realize the sense of the life, it isn’t always study at the university to be a professional and work in an office. That isn’t the right path, the traditional path.
The school need to see the capacities of the children, not all kids have the same capacities and that’s doesn’t mean that they aren’t smart enough or lazy. We all are different and the educational system has to make a new one. The frustrations it’s a daily problem in the classroom because we oblige our children learn a standardized knowledge.
We have to encourage or children and all the people.

In other topic. I love monkeys! Specially chimpanzees.
When I was a child I always watched The Discovery Channel, I met Koko the gorilla. She is a gorilla who knows sign language. I have mixed feeling about this. Remove an animal of its habitat. But with this, scientific learn a lot about primate behavior and its very interesting and moving to watch.
First a short video

And the whole documentary. (I could upload the link with the entire documentary directly to the blog because it’s too long, but i left you the first part)