viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

The Psicoanalist

I would like to recommend a great book i read in 2011, is called The psychoanalyst by John Katzenbach

I read two other books of this author and I have loved each one of them. the themes that he use is the most interesting, it’s all about mystery, crimes, sick minds and cops. But this book in particular has a different type of villain, an invisible one.  John katzenbach has a writing style that gets you so involve in the story that you feel what the characters feels.

I found this book in a little library in Bariloche, Argentina, the cover of the book caught my attention the eyes were so afraid that i wanted to know why. I was searching a gift for my mother, who loves to read too. the book cost like 10 dollars, so cheap! And i bought two book of the author. The psychoanalyst and In the summer heat. Two great books. And now im readding The Professor. Im not finish yet! :)

3 comentarios:

  1. I've heard the name of the book several times but I never knew what it was about. It sounds great.

  2. I’ve heard about this book long time ago but I never read it, I think I’ll add it to my book list. I really like books about mysteries and crimes!

  3. I did not know you liked these books Cata, the truth is that I like books that deal with these issues!
    I hope to find here in Chile to read c:
